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Dr Ivan Ho.PNG

Dr Ivan Ho



Department of Neuroradiology

National Neuroscience Institute


Welcome to the 22nd Advanced Neuroradiology Course and 7th Interventional Neuroradiology Workshop organised by the National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore! This year marks a return to a completely

in-person meeting format to facilitate closer personal interactions and exchange of ideas between faculty members and attendees.

In addition, in view of greater choices of interventional tools and techniques over recent years, we have expanded the usual one-day interventional neuroradiology workshop to two days this year with opportunities for hands-on practice sessions.

Content for the course this year will feature a mix of tips and tricks in interpretation of tried and tested imaging protocols, and glimpses of how neuroradiology will further improve clinical care in the near future.

The duration of our popular Radiology Resident Review session has also been extended. This means participants get to see more cases and have more time for case discussion with the instructors for greater value. And despite its name, I believe our non-radiology colleagues will also find great value in the session if neuroimaging plays a key role in their routine work.

It is my sincere hope that regardless of your level of participation, you will find the experience my team has put together a fruitful one.

Organised by: 

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Supported by:

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Event Secretariat: 

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